Senin, 04 April 2016

Procedure Text

Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series. Communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a sequence of actions or steps.

There are three generic structures in procedure text. The first is goals or purposes. The second is materials or tools. The third and the last are steps or methods.

Generic Structure of Procedure
1.Goal: showing the purpose
2.Material: Telling the needed materials
3.Step 1-end: Describing the steps to achieve the purpose

Now we are going to make a procedure text as an example!

How to Insert SIM Card into a Phone?

Goal: Cell phone is a modern communication device which connects one to the others by voice, written message and data. However this device cannot work until the SIM card is inserted. To insert a SIM Card into a phone so that can be used to communicate.
Material: A phone and a SIM Card

Images Source: Google

*Take a SIM card from the Card Box
1.When inserting the SIM Card to cell phone, make sure that the cell phone has been switched off and follow the direction below :
2. First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.
3. After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery.
- Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.
4Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
5. Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place.
6. Don't forget to switch on the cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use

Images Source: Google
Is That easy, isn't it? Procedure text is the easiest text among the rest of text in English. We can see the example of the Procedure Text almost every day in daily activities, for the example: how to make Nasi Goreng, How to order pizza, how to do when earthquake happen and many more. 

Take a look o this video to see the complete steps in 'Hot to Insert SIM Card into a Phone?

Now, to see the understanding about procedure text that already explained above, lets answer the following questions down below!

The following text is for questions number 1 to 5.

Pineapple Stew

1 pineapple cut into dices
3 glasses of water
1 glass of granulated sugar

1. Boil water until boiled.
2. Then add sugar, cinnamon, and clovers.
3. Bring it to boil and add the pineapples.
4. Wait until you can smell the pineapple.
5. Remove from heat and serve cold.

(Source: BSE, Scaffolding English for Grade IX Students)

1. The recipe tells you how to make ….
A. ingredients 
B. dice 
C. granulated sugar
D. pineapple stew

2. What ingredients are needed to make pineapple stew?
A. Dice, glass, sugar
B. Pineapples, water, sugar
C. Glass, water, sugar
D. Pineapples, dice, water

3. How much sugar do we need?
A. 1 glass 
B. 3 glasses
C. 1 cup 
D. 3 spoons

4. When do we have to stop boiling the pineapple?
A. When the water is boiled
B. After sugar, cinamon, and clovers are added
C. When we smell the pineapple
D. After we remove the stew from heat

5. How should you serve the pineapple stew?
A. It is served cold
B. It is served hot
C. It is served raw
D. It is served uncooked

The following text is for questions number 6 to 10.


½ of avocado
3 tbs. of condensed milk
1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings
some ice cubes

1.Cut the avocado into small pieces.
2.Put ice cubes into the glass.
3.Fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings.
4.Add the sliced avocado.
5.Add the condensed milk on the top of avocado.
6.Es Campur is ready to be served.
7. Combine flour and baking powder.

6. The text tells you ….
A. about avocado
B. how to mix ice
C. how to make Mixed Ice
D. how to eat Mixed Ice

7. You need the following things to make Mixed Ice, EXCEPT ….
A. avocado                                  C. condensed milk
B. ice cubes                                D. sugar

8. How much coconut water and coconut shavings do you need?
A. 1 glass                                   C. ½ can.
B. ½ glass                                  D. ¼ glass.

9. How many servings can you get form the recipe?
A. one                                      C. three
B. two                                      D. four

10. You need 3 tbs. of condensed milk. The underlined word is the abbreviation of ….
A. spoon                                 C. tablespoon
B. teaspoon                            D. cup

After answering all questions above, you have to make your own Procedure Text in form of Video. 
1. The Video length is 3-10 Minutes
2. Include Writting and Speaking skills
3. The theme is Daily Activities (eg. How to operate a PC, How to use vacuum cleaner, and so on)

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Places in Paris

Several photos was taken by my friend from Poland, Malina Zajac. i just edited this photos and shared it to my blog... 
i love this several photos and i feel like i am inside the photos. One day i hope i can go there and take pictures and go on adventures...
thank you so much Malina Zajac and say hello to all ur friend who taken this photos..
hope we will meet soon in Japan..

regard, DRP

Inside Cathedral

Inside Cathedral

Inside Cathedral

On somewhere street


Bright and shiny 

Shakespears Quotes dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Kata-Kata Mutiara William Shakespeare

“Seorang yang bodoh berpikir dirinya bijaksana, tetapi seorang yang bijaksana mengetahui bahwa dirinya bodoh”
“Cintailah semuanya, sedikitlah mempercayainya, dan jangan berbuat salah pada seorangpun”
“Harapan adalah akar dari segala sakit hati”
“Bukanlah bintang yang menentukan takdir kita, tetapi diri kita sendiri”
“Jika musik adlaah makanan dari cinta, mainkanlah!”
“Neraka adalah kosong, dan semua iblis berada disini”
“Tuhan hanya memberi anda satu wajah, tetapi anda menciptakan yang lainnya”
“Lebih baik seorang bodoh yang cerdas daripada seorang cerdas yang bodoh”
“Ketidaktahuan adalah kutukan dari Tuhan, pengetahuan adalah sayap yang akan membawa kita terbang ke surga”
“Dan inilah, kehidupan kita, dibebaskan dari penhantuan terhadap publik, menemukan lidah di pepohonan, buku – buku di selokan, khotbat di bebatuan, dan kebaikan dalam segala hal”
“Lebih baik tiga jam lebih awal daripada satu menit lebih telat”

“Cinta dalam kesalahan selalu buta, selalu membahagiakan, tak terikat oleh peraturan, bersayap, dan tak berbatas, serta menembus semua rantai – rantai pemikiran”
“Penakut mati berkali – kali sebelum kematian mereka, tetapi seorang yang gagah hanya pernah merasakan kematian satu kali”
“Bagaimana pahitnya sesuatu adalah dengan melihat ke dalam kebahagiaan melalui mata orang lain”
“Hidup adalah sebosan dua kali kisah cerita, yang menjengkelkan telinga seorang yang kusam dan mengantuk”
“Seseorang yang mencintai daging pada masa mudanya, tak akan bertahan dalam usianya”
“Adalah seorang ayah yang bijak yang mengetahui anaknya sendiri”
“Cinta adalah asap yang terbuat dari asap desahan”
“Tak ada yang baik dan yang buruk, tetapi pemikiran yang membuatnya demikian”
“Berbicaralah dengan perlahan, ketika anda membicarakan cinta”
“Banyaklah mendengar, sedikitlah berbicara”
“Perjalanan cinta sejati tak akan pernah berjalan mulus”
“Apa arti dalam sebuah nama? Adalah yang kita sebut dengan mawar dengan sebutan lainnya yang beraroma manis”
“Kata – kata tanpa pemikiran tak akan pernah sampai hingga ke surga”
“Kecurigaan selalu menghantui pikiran yang bersalah”
“Keraguan kita adalah pengkhianat dan membuat kita kehilangan kebaikan yang mungkin kita menangkan dengan membuatnya takut untuk mencoba”
“Seberapa jauh lilin kecil memancarkan pancarannya! Demikianlah bersinarnya perbuatan baik di dunia nakal ini”
“Ikah hidup di laut, sebagaimana pria hidup di daratan, yang kuat memakan yang lemah”
“Cinta yang dicari adalah baik, tetapi membiarkannya tanpa dicari, adalah lebih baik”
“Beberapa orang dilahirkan besar, beberapanya mencapai kebesaran, dan beberapa memiliki kehebatan dorongan diantara mereka”
‘Mari, tuan-tuan, saya berharap kita akan menumpahkan semua minuman ketidakbijaksanaan ini”
“Wajah palsu harus menyembunyikan hati palsu yang sesungguhnya tahu”
“Betapa menyedihkannya mereka yang belum bersabar”
“Kapal kosong menciptakan suara paling keras”
“”Berikan semua yang anda dengar , tetapi singkatkan suara anda”
“Terpujilah Tuhan, yang untuk percaya telah memberikan cahaya dalam gelap, memberi kenyamanan dalam keputus asaan”
Jika anda menusuk kami, tidakkan kita berdarah? Jika anda menggelitik kami, tidakkan kami tertawa? Jika anda meracuni kami, tidakkah kami mati? And jika kau bersalah pada kami, haruskah kita tak membalasnya?
“Diatas segala hal; jadikan dirimu sendiri menjadi kenyataan”
“Tak ada warisan yang begitu kaya seperti halnya kejujuran”
“Wanita terlalu banyak protes, menurutku”
“Oleh karena ia gagah berani, aku menghormatinya. Tetapi karena ia seorang yang ambisius, aku membunuhnya!”
“Kesenangan dan tindakan membuat waktu nampak singkat”
“Seorang pria adalah pria, yang terbaik yang terkadang terlupakan”
“Saya tidak terikat untuk menyenangkan anda dengan jawabanku”
“Lebih baik pernah menjadi bodoh yang membuatku gembira, daripada memiliki pengalaman yang membuatku sedih dan berpetualang untuk itu juga”
“Ku katakan bahwa tak ada kegelapan, hanya kebodohan”
“Berbicara tanpa melakukan, adalah jenis perbuatan baik untuk mengatakannya dengan baik, tetapi kata-kata bukanlah perbuatan”
“Orang yang tak beroleh musik dalam dirinya, juta tak tergerak dengan alunan suara yang indah, yang cocok untuk pengkhianatan, pensiatat, dan pengrusakan”
“Kecekatan adalah jiwa yang berakal”
“Telah banyak orang – orang besar yang telah tersanjung pada orang – orang yang juga menyanjung mereka”
“Cinta bukanlah cinta yang mengubah ketika perubahan ditemukan”
“Berikan pikiranmu, bukan lidahmu”
“Biarkan setiap mata bernegosiasi untuk dirinya sendiri dan tidak percaya pada perantara apapun”
“Pria adalah April ketika merayu. Desember ketika menikah.
Perempuan adalah bulan Mei ketika menjadi ibu rumah tangga. Namun langit berubah saat mereka telah menjadi istri”

“Aku menggengggam dunia tetapi sebagai dunia. Gratiano; sebuah panggung dimana setiap orang harus memainkan peranannya, dan saya adalah bagian yang menyedikan itu”
‘Satu sentuhan alam akan membuat seluruh dunia bersahabat”
“Berikanlah aku jubahku, kenakan aku mahkotaku. Aku memiliki kerinduan abadi dalam diriku”
“Hal paling inti dari ambisi semata – mata hanyalah bayangan dari mimpi”
“Kita tak bisa membayangkan materi yang terbentuk dari ketiadaan, karena segala sesuatu memerlukan benih untuk memulainya. Oleh karenanya, tak ada sesuatu yang kembali pada ketiadaan, tetapi segala sesuatu kembali dilarutkan menjadi elemen – elemen mereka”
“Kita tahu siapa kita, tetapi kita tidak tahu siapakah kita akan menjadi”
“Tak ada yang ia miliki maka takkan pula ia kehilangan”
“Iblis dapat mengutip kitab suci untuk tujuan-nya”
“Aku akan menjadi pola segala kesabaran, aku takkan berbicara apapun”
“Ketika kita dilahirkan kita menangis, bahwa kita datang ke panggung besar yang bodoh ini”
“Lebih tajam dari gigi ular adalah memiliki anak yang tak berterima kasih”
“Sesuatu dilakukan dengan baik dengan kepedulian, yang membebaskan diri dari rasa takut”
“Miskin dan cukup adalah kaya, dan cukup kaya”
“Dengan kecerian dan tawa, biarkan keriput tua datang”
“Jika anda dapat melihat kedalam benih – benih waktu, dan berkata gandum manakah yang akan tumbuh, dan mana yang tidak akan, berbicaralah kemudian kepadaku”
“Perpisahan adalah kepahitan yang sangat manis”
“Cinta adalah terlalu muda untuk mengetahui apa itu hati nurani”
“Sesuaikan tindakan dengan ucapan, dan ucapan dengan tindakan”
“Masa keemasan ada di hadapan kita, bukan dibelakang kita”
“Ketika kata-kata itu langka, mereka jarang menghabiskannya dengan sia-sia”
“Keinginan untuk memiliki adalah dosa dari ketamakan”
“Ajarkan bibir anda untuk tidak mencemooh, karena ia dibuat untuk mencium  bukan untuk menghina”
“Apa yang telah dilakukan tak akan bisa dibatalkan kembali”
“Mereka yang pusing akan berpikir dunia ini terbalik”
“Ketika penderitaan datang, mereka tidak datang sendirian, tetapi dalam sejumlah batalyon”
“Aku menyia-nyiakan waktu, dan sekarang waktu lah yang menyia-nyiakan aku" 

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Pro and Contra Pasar Minggu Kota Bengkulu

Should government relocated bargainers from  Minggu market to  Baru Koto market?
                Traditional Market is the important  place for many people because in market we can see the bargainers meets the buyers. Every bargainers in market sell their goods to buyer who need goods. We can see traditioal market in every town has different from another traditional market in another  town. Talk about the traditional market, Bengkulu town has a traditional market too, People called Minggu market. Minggu market located on the KZ Abidin street near the main road of the town where the street is including as the most crowded place in the morning. The bargainers sell their goods along the street and the activity in Minggu market started from 2am where the bargainers sell many kind of fruits, vegetables, and traditional tools.
                Based on the  command from Mr. Helmi Hasan as the major of Bengkulu town, Minggu market will be relocated to Baru Koto market. The first reason why government should take relocation because this way will be taken to minimize crowded in the morning. Then, the relocation from government is very helpful in achiving the Major’s program “Bengkuluku Bersih”, this is because if the market will be relocated it mean the main road will clean from cabagges where produced from many activities in the market while the stinky smell will be dissapear through the clean enviroment. Last, not only focus to clean the cabagges, relocation will make the main road or downtown will be more organized and well ordered. If this program will be running, i think we will see the true downtown with clean enviroment and organized.
                In contra side, almost bargainers who sell their product there refuse the major’s program even they will be relocated to new place at Baru Koto market. They think this program will make them lose their buyers and lose their job. Their reason are make sense because if they will be moved to Baru Koto market, its mean their buyers will take long distance to get to the market and the buyers will be dislike to go there. Talk about Baru Koto, almost bargainers said if the place is not strategic because that place is far from the buyer and the trasportation to go there is very measly so it will difficult to get more buyer.
                Talk about the controversy in this problem, we can not blame The government or the bargainers and we can not choose who is right or not. I think if the program will be running, first thing what the goverment have to do is the  government should serve the place for bargainers based on what the bargainers needs like strategic place to sell or near to people. Second, serve the buyers and the bargainers with easy trasportation or accomodation. This is the important thing that we should remember because some buyers are come from long long place. Third, government should supervise the market start from controling the market, see the market performance and more sensitive toward the condition and situation. And the last one, the bargainers should keep the market clean, keep the market organized, and keep the market well ordered. This is very important for bargainers to make market enviroment still healthy and clean. If the bargainers can do some steps above, it will make buyers come and come.

the controversy about action movie for children

Should children doesn’t have right to watch “action movie” on television?
            There is no doubt that television has changed the world and how we view it. With just the point and click of a button, we can see everything there. There are  hundreds of channels to choose from. Such as Cartoons, sitcoms, news, cooking shows, music videos even action movie. With so many viewing options, determining what we should be watching has become a great concern, especially when it comes to children. It is no wonder that cable and satellite providers have built in parental controls. Violent and aggressive acts abound on TV. Many times it is children who are viewing these acts. According to the Center for Media and Public affairs, "The typical American child will have witnessed 40,000 killings and 200,000 acts of violence on television", all by their 18th birthday (source: Media Violence 121).
            Usually, action movie provides the scenario with agrresive action such as kicking. Punching, and fighting. It is very bad violence for children because it will influences them in emotionally and physically. Children are good imitator. They will imagine themselves like a character in the movie or they can try to imitate themselves. If the character plays kicking and fighting sometime they will do the same thing in real world. If the parent can not handle this situation it will be a great mistake for parent. In other side, action movie not only provide the bad influences for children by do fighting, kicking, or punching but usually the movie provide the scenario or conversation between characters with very rude words. If the children see and listen the words they will do the same words like what movie told. So the children will use ‘rude word’ in their daily activities too.
            In contra side, i will say that action movie not only provide bad influences for children. You know what? Almost action movie provide the bad guys and good guys in the scenario. The scenario is the keyword to create a meaning for children. The scenario give the moral value and life lesson for children too. It is better if the movie have enough moral value and life lesson. Like example, good guys always win and have good life than bad guys and the bad guys always punish and suffering in the end of the story. The example above can teach the children to do right things and be a good guys in real world and they will fear to do bad things because they do not want to suffering in the world. It is very inspirational example for children so they can inspired and they will usual with do good things in the world.
            Action movie serves bad influences and good influences for children. It can make the children so agressive and hostile and in other hand it can teach children how to be a good guys in the world through moral value and life lesson based in the scenario. Watching televison is one of entertaining program at home but every parent in the world should protect their children with choose the good movie first for their children before parents let them watch. Second, it is better if the parents watch the movie together with their children. So the parents can teach their children directly and for addition this activity will make parents-children has good relation each other exactly in affection side. Last, Parents are ultimately responsible for what their children view on Movie. It is recommended that parents exhibit their responsibility and take control of their children's viewing habits. If the children are regularly watching violent and aggressive shows, change the channel. By doing so the parents will not only be deterring  children from committing hostile aggression, but helping to groom a better adult in years to come.

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